Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Larry Larson.
I have been model railroading since 1976, and taking rail pictures since about 1978. Unfortunately, most of early shots were with a 110 camera, so of poor quality. Oh, what I would give to have had a good 35m SLR or a good digital back then. I got into 35mm in the mid 80s, and went digital late 2002.
I have acquired a couple thousand shots over the years. I plan to upload only those that I think are different, scenic, or unique.
My wife got me into trains. I had a subscription to a "girlie" magazine when we got married, oh so long ago :>). She said no more of that stuff, and went out and bought me the March 1976 issue of Railroad Modeler (I still have it). I never had a train set as a kid, but this magazine was interesting. So I ordered up two train sets from some mail order catalogs, and it has been non-stop since.
My wife periodically travels around the country for work, and I will tag along if there are interesting railroads in the area. And we vacation by motorcycle trips every year, and I always route our travels to pass by whatever railroads are in the vicinity.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!
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